Thursday, February 25, 2016

How to get the Best baby footprint!

I don't know about you, but I love to make crafts!  Now that I have children, I love to make crafts that involved them!  However, that can get a bit messy!!  The first time I tried to paint my daughter's feet to make a footprint craft - oh my!  There was paint all over her, me, the towel I had put down and the paper I was trying to simply get one footprint on!  It was a mess!!

After a few trial and error attempts I have finally found the best way to capture those sweet little footprints - even on the wiggliest of my babies!

I prefer to use the washable paint! It cleans up so easily!!  I can use baby wipes, a rag, or just dip those precious little feet in the sink (which is definitely what my children prefer!)!!

The Bumbo seat has been the best thing I have used for feet painting!  It keeps their little legs pointed out, and keeps their feet from touching the floor (or anything else)!   

Then, I cover that sweet little foot with paint!  Thankfully my babies laugh at this part.  In teaching I have had some children who could not stand to have paint on their feet or hands - so we settled for tracing their feet/hands! 

To capture the footprint on paper I use a hard clipboard.  Simply place your paper on the clipboard and carefully press baby's foot against the paper.  The tricky part for me seems to be getting the toes (you can see a smeared toe in the picture).  I have found that if I start at the heel and roll the foot onto the paper pressing the toes in last I get the best footprint!

I hope this helps you as you create masterpieces with your babies!!

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