Monday, November 18, 2013

Taco Bites

Sunday night was a devotion followed by a fellowship meal at our church.  My sweetheart wanted to take something including deer meat (since he recently got a beautiful 9-pointer with his bow).  I had seen Taco Bites on Pinterest, but I had not (and still haven't) taken the time to read the recipe...So, I made my own as I went.  Apparently they were good because my dish came home empty!

I started my fresh deer meat.  I love to begin with some olive oil and fresh garlic before I add the ground meat.  After the meat was completely cooked (browned) I added my home-made taco seasoning!  After I add the seasoning I let the meat continue to cook on low for a few minutes.  While the meat is cooking I prepared some refried beans. In the interest of time, I opened a can and added 2T water, and heated them for about 1 minute.

Lightly spray your pans.  Line with tortilla shell.  I have made these myself...and oh my - so delicious! However, as I mentioned earlier - in the interest of time, I chose to use store bought.  I purchased the small size and cut them into quarters.

 Next, I added a small spoonful of refried beans.

On top of the refried beans I added a small spoon of the seasoned meat, and sprinkled with a mixture of mozzarella and cheddar cheeses.  

I then repeated the first three steps.  This makes two layers of tortilla shell, beans, meat, and cheese.

Bake at 325 for about 15-20 minutes and....

They smelled so delicious!  Everyone seemed to enjoy them.  I would serve them with a bowl of salsa and a bowl of sour cream.  That way people can customize them for their own preferences!  


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Let's Try This Again...

So, in my last post, I stated that I would be blogging again....which I truly had every intention of doing.  However, my computer had other intentions! :)  Don't you just love technology some days?  Anyhow, the computer is once again in a cooperative mood and this time, I am back! :)  I have several things lined up to blog about over the next week or so including a recipe or two, some home remodeling, and of course something crafty! So, please, don't give up on me! 

I look forward to sharing with you soon!!
